So here we are, The Electric Panda is up and running. I started The Electric Panda to focus my writing attention in one area. All of my previous writing ventures are scattered about with my formal writing in the Daily Utah Chronicle and my blogging ventures existing in now deleted blogspot URL’s. WordPress is the mother of all blogging sites and I wanted to harness the full power of the blogging scene to present my message.

My message of course being that the internet is crazy, virtual worlds are amazing and that everyone deserves good music (and entertainment for that matter). I’ll just let my future posts take care of that. As a side note, panda related things WILL make appearances from time to time so be prepared for irresistible cuteness.

I suppose this is a long winded way of saying I’ll be posting some articles from my time at The Daily Utah Chronicle and Red Pulse magazine. With Red Pulse magazine going under, I want to preserve my writing done from that time as it was the only magazine in the state geared towards A&E for college kids. Most likely I’ll blog about this later, but the death of Red Pulse was a big smack in the face to college age kids in Salt Lake. C’est la vie, I guess.

Now I will take advantage of having a wordpress blog and upload a couple songs I like. You will find them cool and refreshing like a cold lemonade on a hot summer day.

Slow Club – Sunday

Blue Roses – I Am Leaving